projects logo; shows nature on a deck of playing cards

Climate and Animal Responsible Diet

Our App

With CARD, you will discover a diverse collection of recipes that are not only delicious but also mindful of their environmental and animal impact.

Main Idea

CARD (Climate and Animal Responsible Diet) is an innovative iOS mobile application, and our main idea is to help users adopt a more environmentally healthy diet.


By offering various recipe suggestions for each meal, the app aims to assist users in gradually making conscious food choices and reducing their water and CO2 footprints. We understand that transitioning to a new diet can be challenging, which is why our app is designed to make the journey seamless and enjoyable. Let’s dive into the key features of the application and discover all that it has to offer!

Key Features

Personalization and Customization

CARD offers personalization and customization to cater to your unique dietary needs and preferences. When you first start using the app, you will be prompted to provide information about your specific diet preferences, including any allergies you may have.

You also have the option to indicate how many meals per day you would like to plan, allowing you to customize your meal planning experience according to your routine and lifestyle. Additionally, the app takes into account the number of people who will be eating each meal. This feature ensures that the generated shopping lists and recipes are appropriate for the number of individuals you are serving.


In addition to the personalization features mentioned earlier, the app allows you to create your own virtual “Diet Plate.” This unique feature enables you to visually represent your current diet in a way that’s easy to understand. And it is used to track your progress over time.


Meal Plans

Our app offers customized meal plan, featuring a collection of delicious and sustainable recipes that align with your dietary preferences and environmental consciousness. Each recipe comes with detailed instructions, including ingredient lists, step-by-step directions.

What makes our meal plan special is its environmental score. We provide insights into the environmental impact of each recipe, allowing you to make informed choices about the dishes you prepare.


Data Tracking and Progress Monitoring

With CARD your daily saved water and CO2 footprint are traccked.Our app provides visual representations of your footprints, allowing you to easily visualize the positive changes you’re making and gain valuable insights into the environmental impact of your food choices.


Our app features an exciting challenge system designed to motivate and reward your progress towards a climate and animal responsible diet. As you make sustainable choices and reduce your water and CO2 footprints, you’ll unlock and celebrate milestones along the way. The challenge system adds a fun and competitive element to your experience, spurring you to push your limits and explore new ways to make a difference.


Shopping List Generator

Our app could also help your with grocery shopping. With our shopping list generator, you’ll have all the ingredients you need for the meal plan. And it helps you optimize your shopping trips, saving you time and reducing unnecessary food waste.


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